Teachers’ Lesson Plans
All of Chris’ books can be used as part of your teaching curriculum to meet Common Core State Standards. They can be used to open dialogue on topics such as immigration, cultural diversity, city life, war, adoption and community. They can also be used to celebrate the Lunar New Year (aka: Chinese New Year), African-American history and US History.
It’s always a good idea to get your entire school involved – teachers, media specialists, administrators and parents. Everyone should have a chance to contribute good ideas. Some schools in the past have held cultural festivals, a book parties and made paper dragons in conjunction with a school visit.
If you are preparing for a school visit or appearance at your school, we encourage you to use the Lesson Plans we have created as a springboard to your class project. Art activities pertaining to Chris’ books always increase class interest and excitement. We also encourage reading, story writing and discussion. Public or school libraries are great places to find his books, and they may be purchased on this website as well.
To access the Teacher’s Lesson Plans, click on one of the book’s images below. The link will open a page giving you access to the material. Most lesson plan activities are downloadable either as a Word documents or PDF pages.
For more information on creating your own lesson plans, the Thought Company has a good article on how to Write Lesson Plans as well as a Lesson Plan Template on their excellent website.
Using Chris Soentpiet's Books in the K-3 classroom

Lesson Plans with Grade Level Standards