Special Thank You!
I can’t believe that over two decades have passed since I started creating children’s books. There are many people who have encouraged me in my journey to become an author and illustrator. All of us have shared many experiences both happy and sad. We have shared joy that made us laugh till our stomachs ached and surprises to last a lifetime.
The following individuals hold a profound importance in my life and I am blessed to know them. These people have helped me grow into a better person, painter and thinker.
In addition, I want to thank ALL of my supporters for believing in my work. It is because of YOU that I can continue to create meaningful and insightful books.
Peace to all,
Chris Soentpiet

My biggest cheerleader is my wife, Yin. She’s my right hand, my left hand, my assistant, my muse, my everything. With Yin’s support, I can focus on my art. In fact, she is a model in many of my books. See if you can find her! Yin is also an award-winning author of children’s books. We’ve collaborated on Coolies, Dear Santa, Please Come to the 19th Floor, and Brothers. You can find out more about her on her website at yinauthorvisits.com.

My Kids
My greatest blessings are my kids. To be a supporter, a protector, and a life-guide to a young person is a privilege. To be a father – there is no greater calling on Earth.

Joan Stevenson
Joan Stevenson Over the years she have accepted me as a perfectionist, stood by me and advocated hard for me at schools in South Carolina. I admire her passion with connecting teachers with the right books. My trips to South Carolina reminds me of the beauty of our friendship and how lucky I am to have her in my corner. Cheers to many more years of laughter over Chinese buffets, Lizard’s Thicket, school visits, and conferences.

Betsy Lewin
I love the whimsical illustrations of Betsy Lewin. If you haven’t seen her book Giggle, Giggle, Quack, you’ve been living in a cave. She has won many awards and accolades, yet she remains humble and incredibly modest. Betsy is certainly one of the most down-to-earth people I’ve ever come across. I value her kindness, her willingness to share her life experiences, and most of all, her friendship. You can visit her at betsylewin.com.

Mr. Janson
Mr. Janson was an exceptional (and my favorite) teacher at Grant High School in Portland, Oregon. He noticed my potential as a fine artist. During my senior year, Mr. Janson set-up a private corner-studio in art class and instructed me to create five paintings. He then made slides of my paintings, so my work could be showcased at different art colleges around the United States. Ultimately these showcases helped me win a scholarship from Pratt Institute in New York City. I dedicated my book, So Far From the Sea to Mr. Janson for his faith and generosity.

By the time I was eight-years-old, both my biological mother and father had died – leaving behind six kids. With no parental guidance, my eldest sister, Kwisoon, made the brave decision to arrange for the adoption of Ann and me, so we could live with a new family in America. Although we had to be separated from my Korean brother and sisters, Kwisoon knew an adoption would provide us a stable, loving home and a chance at a good education. I will never forget her courage and strength. Kwisoon is now a university professor in Taegu, South Korea.

Susan Pearson
Susan Pearson was my first editor. I could never express enough gratitude to her. If I ever was able to tell Susan how eternally grateful I am to her, I’d be blue in the face. She gave me my first break in publishing: a shot at writing and illustrating my first book Around Town. Susan is a multi-talented poet and writer, with a history in publishing. She is no-nonsense and well qualified in sharing her professional philosophies of the children’s book industry. She’s a force to be reckoned with.

Ted Lewin
Ted Lewin is my mentor and good friend. He is probably the single smartest person I know. He set a standard for me. What I saw in him, and tried to emulate, was his passion. Over the years, Ted has guided me with his artistic wisdom and wealth of knowledge. Not only is he a walking encyclopedia, he is also the greatest illustrator of our time. His paintings are dramatic and full of details. If you haven’t had the privilege of seeing his work, check out his website at tedlewin.com.

Here I am at my wedding dancing with my beautiful and amazing mom, Harriette Hankel. When my sister was twelve and I was eight, my mother adopted us to live with her and her four children. We were lucky, since kids our age were considered “too old” for adoption. But my mom knew we needed a home with love. While growing up in Oregon, my mother recognized that I was artistic, and she helped nurture my talent by enrolling me in after-school art classes.

Here’s my sister who was adopted with me from Korea. While I was a financially-struggling college student, Ann sent me $100 a month from her job as a waitress to help cover some of my expenses (art supplies, food, books, rent). I’m so proud of Ann. She is now a successful businesswoman with three extraordinary kids!

Shelly Brady
Here is my sister Shelly Brady. Please go and rent the Emmy award-winning movie, DOOR TO DOOR. It’s a story about the life of Bill Porter (pictured with Shelly) overcoming the obstacles of cerebral palsy. In the movie, you’ll see why I admire Shelly and why I think Bill is a true modern day hero. You can also read more about Bill Porter in Shelly’s book, Ten Things I Learned from Bill Porter.