Author Visit Program: Testimonials and Reviews
Chris Soentpiet loves illustrating people, and when he is not working on a new book, he is sharing his love of art, history and storytelling at schools, conferences and libraries all over the world. Below are some of the testimonials and reviews he has received over the years:
What they say...
Outstanding Presentation!
Related well to the students. Very prepared and met the needs and interest of our students.
Chris’ genuineness was evident in his presentation. Every student from grade 1 through grade 6 sat spellbound for his entire presentation. Superb!
Excellent Involvement of Students
Great reception and reviews by entire staff! Excellent involvement of students.
Illustrations are Captivating
It is obvious to the audience that Chris enjoys what he does. His illustrations are captivating to both young and old.
Creative and Entertaining
His ability to be creative and entertaining helped my students become better thinkers, writers, problem solvers, readers and scientists through the arts.
A Rare Find!
Chris is a rare find!
Totally Intriguing
The students sat quietly for more than 45 minutes and even though our library was very crowded, there wasn’t anyone who wasn’t totally intrigued by Chris.
Very Nice to Work With
Chris is flexible and very nice to work with.
Time Well Spent
Everyone involved, from staff to student to administration, considered our time and money well spent for Chris’ visit to our school.
After seeing his presentation the students have become even more enthusiastic about literature and the arts. Fantastic!
A Great Success!
Chris’ Author Visit was a great success for us. It was professionally managed, skillfully presented, demonstrated much sensitivity to the interest of a wide range of elementary students and met with high degree of approval from our teachers.
An Unforgettable Visit
Each session presented was rich in multi-ethnic subjects with a personal touch that reached out to the audience. Thank you for an unforgettable visit.
Learning Experience and Inspiration
It was truly a learning experience and inspiration for many of our students and teachers. I highly recommend Chris to any school or group who would like to have a stimulating event for their students.
Relates Exceptionally Well To Everyone
Chris relates exceptionally well to everyone he meets. We had many visiting author and illustrators and Chris is the best by far.
I recommend Mr. Soentpiet
Without a single reservation I recommend Mr. Soentpiet as a guest author/illustrator in any school setting.
We Look Forward to have Chris Visit Again
Not only is Chris a talented author and illustrator, his friendly, charming and warm personality definitely caused the children to like him and relate to him. I consider his books to be of high quality as well as being popular with the students. We look forward to his new titles and would be glad to have him visit our school again!
The children were enthralled with his presentation and his techniques. It motivated them to write and illustrate their own stories.
Enlightened, Entertained and Enthusiastic
Chris’ presentation enlightened the students to how illustrations are done. His performance was extremely entertaining and the students and staff were enthusiastic.
Delightful Surprise!
Mr. Soentpiet’s presentation was a delightful surprise. He was well organized and had a warm and friendly way of relating to the students. The presentation was totally professional, and was developed using visuals in a way that made it very clear and truly come alive for all of the students. I would recommend him very highly.
Chris is the Best Presenter Ever at our School
He touched everyone in a memorable and lasting way. His extraordinary ability to integrate content and writing in a personal, yet professional manner is unparalleled. We were all saddened to have Chris leave us. He enriched the lives of our students and staff. Everyone (staff) agreed that Chris is the best presenter ever at our school.